Tiger Eye Bracelet

Tiger Eye Bracelet

Original price was: ₹1,300.00.Current price is: ₹998.00.

Product Specifications

– Shape: Round
– Origin: South Africa
– Colour: Yellow and Black



Tiger Eye helps release fear and anxiety, aids in decision-making, and stimulates action. It provides courage, self-confidence, and strength of will, supporting goal achievement and increasing self-worth. This stone of self-empowerment removes self-imposed restrictions, offering motivation, willpower, and inner strength. It's particularly beneficial for overcoming exam fears or during career transitions.

Benefits of Tiger Eye Bracelet:

- It boosts your courage.
- It provides stability in body, mind, and life.
- It offers mental clarity and decisiveness.
- It helps you achieve targets and ensures success.
- It eliminates negativity, creating space for positivity.
- It attracts money and improves your financial status.
- It enhances luck in all your endeavors.
- It brings success in spiritual pursuits.
- It leads to success and, above all, satisfaction from that success.
- It supports the healing system, particularly treating bone problems.

Who shall wear Tiger Eye Bracelet:

- Children, affected by evil eye or negative energies shall wear it.
- Those who need good luck and want to get rid of bad luck shall wear it.
- People suffering from financial problems shall wear it.
- People looking for motivation and courage in life shall wear it.
- People who want to develop/regain confidence shall wear it.
- People having bone problems shall wear it.

Best day to wear Tiger Eye Bracelet:

- Tiger eye is associated with grounding, protection, and prosperity; you can choose to wear it on days that align with intentions related to stability, abundance, or confidence.
- You can also choose to wear it on days when they feel they need an extra boost in these areas.
- Ultimately, the best day to wear a tiger eye bracelet is the day that feels right to you or aligns with your intentions and goals.
- You can also wear your tiger eye bracelet when it feels most beneficial to you.

Cleansing instructions:

- Place your tiger eye bracelet outside or on a windowsill during a full moon or new moon night. Leave it there overnight to absorb the cleansing energy of the moonlight.
- Tiger eye can also be cleansed in sunlight. Place your bracelet in direct sunlight for a few hours, preferably during the early morning or late afternoon when the sun's rays are not too harsh.
- Use smoke from incense to cleanse your tiger eye bracelet. Pass the bracelet through the smoke several times while visualizing any negative energies being released.
- Bury your tiger eye bracelet in a bowl of dry sea salt or Himalayan salt. Leave it buried for at least several hours or overnight to absorb any negative energies. Afterward, rinse the bracelet under running water to remove the salt.

Cleansing routine:

- If you wear your tiger eye bracelet often or use it for energetic work, it's a good idea to cleanse it regularly to maintain its effectiveness.
- If you've been around negative energies, it's a good idea to cleanse your tiger eye bracelet afterward to remove any accumulated negativity.
- If you feel like it's lost its vibrancy or effectiveness, or if it just doesn't feel right to you, it might be time to cleanse it, regardless of how long it's been since the last cleansing.
- You can cleanse your bracelet during each full moon cycle.